The Ocean Hunter Wiki
The Ocean Hunter Wiki

This article refers to the sub bosses in The Ocean Hunter.


The sub bosses behave much like the Seven Great Monsters, which outrank them, as the overseers of their respective sea, and are as threatening as their superiors. Furthermore, they are far more dangerous than any ordinary aquatic predators and are fundamental to test the skill and potential of the player(s) before the final battle in each stage of the game. With the exception of the Texcoco Great Lake, there is at least one sub boss in each sea.

Baroque Sea[]

* Optional sub boss

Luna Sea[]

Tartarus Deep[]

Texcoco Great Lake[]

There are no sub bosses present in this sea.

North Sea[]

West Ocean[]



  • In the game's sound files in the Sound Test menu[1], there are voice lines that introduce the "Sea Ghost" and "Ancient Dragons", but neither sub bosses appear in the game proper.

