The Ocean Hunter Wiki

Panthalassa (パンタラサ Pantarasa), also known as The Sea of Evil, is one of the Seven Seas and the seventh and final stage in The Ocean Hunter. On the in-game map, this is the Mediterranean Sea.


Panthalassa journal entry

This deep, dark saltwater sea is believed to be the location of Rahab. An ancient temple sits underwater where the Great Monster supposedly dwells. At the time of the game, it is a stormy night.


The temperatures at Panthalassa range from moderate to moderately high.

Animal life[]

Panthalassa is most likely home to many native and exotic marine species.

The Ocean Hunter[]




  • N/A


Panthalassa, also known as the Panthalassic Ocean or Panthalassan Ocean, was the superocean that surrounded the supercontinent Pangaea. During the Paleozoic–Mesozoic transition c. 250 MYA, it occupied almost 70% of the Earth's surface.


  • The stage's theme songs are Panthalassa - Act 1 and Panthalassa - Act 2.
  • During the stage's opening cutscene in the US version, Torel and/or Chris call the sea Pantarasa. This is most likely a translation error.
    • For context, there is no "L" sound in Japanese, which leads to "L" being frequently mixed up with "R" in translations.
  • There are no divers or common enemies in this stage.
  • The stage is referred to in the game files as "Holy Sea" for the first half when Torel and Chris start traversing the sea, and "Inside Temple" after the two defeated Black Dragon and entered the underwater temple.

